Practical - Sixth Day
By Nurul Nabilah Zakaria - 7:19:00 PM

Sixth day of practical semester
Sixth day. Like always. Stay at office for long time only for drawing and colouring. Like always that kid disturbing me again. Luckily, I done my work whole day. Around 20 minutes balance time, spending my my balances day play with that kid. Tired but, happy. The Boss not coming to the office today. He said, many work at outside. It's okay. The Boss's office is mine. So, I'll do my work and do whatever I want. Ngee~
While drawing and colouring, Najmudin messaging me. I'm happy (little bit). We always chatting about our time while practical, holiday time, gossiping and bla bla bla. Miss that 'ting tong' guy. Hahahaha. But, I never miss my classmates. Yeah, they always called me when they needed. Hate them. Stop thinking the past and dream for future.
nota chumel: Lately I'm crazy with EXO. I don't know why. Forget that Super Junior. 7jib, please!! Want their comeback!

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