Practical - 12th Day
By Nurul Nabilah Zakaria - 12:21:00 AM

12th day of practical semester
Every day I'll tell about my routine work at office. Today also like that. My pray become true! The Boss coming today while I'm finishing my colouring. The Boss checking my work. Alhamdulillah, The Boss satisfied with my work. The Boss come just want bring his file project to his client. While me, busy to get MC to The Boss. The Boss weird with me. Why I take 3 days for my MC. I just said, 'where my family want to go after 3 days of Hari Raya Eidul Fitri?'. The Boss just said 'oh'. I gave him a smile while I help The Boss find the file. After he get that file, he going out and comeback again to get his hard disk.
The Boss was pity with me because there's no Internet at his office (Like I said earlier, his company 6 months debut). He just said, ' maybe after raya I'll pasang Internet'. I'll think that The Boss just say it only. His hand never working because too much of work. Astaghfirullah'azim. What I'm saying! Sorry Boss! I'll be great worker next time. Kosong-kosong, boss =D
nota chumel: First time pergi kerja naik motor. Selama ni naik kereta. Naik motor sampai terjatuh depan rumah. Kesian kawan aku. Sorry kawan =(

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