Practical - First Day
By Nurul Nabilah Zakaria - 7:18:00 PM

First day of practical semester
Nervous. That's what I feel. The Boss message me, he come late around 9.20 a.m.. So, I wait at some kind of 'kedai' and chat with workers. Act, that guy is owner of that furniture construction. Above of his furniture construction, is The Boss's office. The Boss coming late. Around 9.30 a.m.. The Boss arrive the office, I help The Boss carry his 'thing' kind og many many plan building construction.
Arrive the site office, BLANK. Nothing was in there. Only sofa 'buruk', kipas 'buruk' and the office without tombol pintu. What kind of that place?! Go to the office, The Boss ask me to sit and The Boss make some interviews with me. Me? Nervous is always nervous. What question he asked, I answered with relax and some nervous tone. Then, The Boss asked me, I only know designing. I said wasn't. I also know about AutoCAD and SketchUp. That's bonus for me!
Then, The Boss said I'm very good and well-known everything. Heh, that time I just 'expanded' my butt and my nose. Hahahahahahaha. I'm can use very well AutoCAD and not for SketchUp. So, what I learned before, I can apply in my practical semester. Very fun huh?
After that, I can go back home because The Boss has some work gonna do at outside. But, before I go back home, I write my report at report book that KKSL brought to me. I call my dad and bye bye office. When I want to lock office, I make troublesome with that stupid door. The door is automatically lock! Do 'don't know' face and run back to home.
nota chumel: Selamat berbuka =)

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