Practical - Second Day
By Nurul Nabilah Zakaria - 7:05:00 PM

Second day of practical semester
Second day. Hmm....quite busy. Draw plan and perspective. Plan is better than perspective. Perspective is hard to draw but quite easy when we use SketchUp. Because I'm using 'manual', so it quite hard to draw. When I use SketchUp, hard become easy. But, it hard to complete an hour to finish draw SketchUp. Use 24 hours (maybe) to finish that perspective.
A whole day The Clerk's daughter disturbing me to complete my work! UGH!!! But, she's quite cute and talkative person. And, it also make my head spin around and clotting blood in my brain getting bigger in my head. Fasting also. That kid eat in front of me. GULP! Just be patient until 4.30 p.m., I'm done my shift. Need back to home and going to bazaar Ramadan with abah.
nota chumel: Malam ni tak pergi terawih disebabkan nak siapakan perspektif punya guna SketchUp. -,-

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