Mother's Day Moment
By Nurul Nabilah Zakaria - 2:45:00 PM
Assalamualaikum. Annyeong. Hello. Mushi mushi. Ni hao.
Yesterday is Mother's Day, rite?
I gonna tell you what happened to me yesterday.
I don't have a mom since 9 years old. She passed cause of dangerous cancer.
I still miss her.
Yesterday, I went to mom's graveyard. When I went there, my heart feel something. Sad.
I search my mom's grave happily like I want to see her.
I reach there with my lil bro and my dad. We clean up the grave and we pray Al-Fatihah for her.
After that, go to the beside mom's grave. That's my grandma's grave. We do same thing. Clean up and pray Al-Fatihah for her. We keep do all same things at grandpa's grave and great grandpa's grave.
Then, we go back home. My heart feel great when I go there.
I'm very grateful mom bring me to show me the world.
When, I go back home, I keep praying that mom will be save beside Allah and be Allah's lover.
Mom, thanks =)
nota chumel: Jangan nangis baca entry aku. Tau la tak sedih mana. Sorry for broken English. I still learn it. Minho face make me wanna laugh! Sorry oppa~
nota chumel 2: This is my 200th entry! I've started blogging since I was 14. This is my 200th entry. Not bad. Whee~

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