Liebster Award.
By Nurul Nabilah Zakaria - 10:19:00 PM

Assalamualaikum. Annyeong. Mushi mushi. Ni hao.

Seems haze outside very very dangerous than I think. All I need to stay at home. Bored.
Liebster Award? What kind of that?
Well, it just like tagger game like I had play before. Thanks to my friend tag for me =)
So, let's see what I'm gonna do at this.
1. Each blogger should answer the questions that tagger has set for you.
2. Choose 11 new blogger to pass the award onto and link them in your post.
3. Create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
6. No tag back.
Question from Ana and answer by me:
1. What is your favourite cartoon when you're kid.
--> Many. One of them is Pingu.
2. Kimchi VS Nasi Lemak? Which 1 do you prefer?
--> Nasi Lemak. Keep local la...
3. If you're trainee at a entertainment company in South Korea, which company do you want to join? Why?
--> Maybe I choose JYP Entertainment. Why? I like to sing ballad song than dance, hip hop song. Maybe Park Jinyoung can train me how to sing ballad song and I hear he also good in ballad song. So, I choose JYP Entertainment.
4. In Running Man, who's character do you like most?
--> To me, I like Blank Couple it is Jihyo and Kwangsoo. They very funny! But, I prefer Kwangsoo.
5. Have you been dreaming about your bias? Say yes or no.
--> YES!
6. Describe 3 words about yourself.
--> Bad girl. Naughty. Cheerful.
7. Who's your bias? Can you put a picture of your bias, please.
--> Lee Sungmin from Super Junior!!

8. What is your favourite colour?
--> Same with Sungmin. It's PINK!
9. Tell me your 3 wishes that you're not achieve yet.
--> Go to Seoul and meet my bias.
--> Be a good chef at home.
--> Have a long long hair.
10. If you saw your bias anywhere, what should you do?
--> I hope can bring him around state that I live and want his autograph.
11. What is your favourite place in Malaysia.
--> Cameron Highlands. First and the I go there when I was form 3. So sad =(
The tag:
1. Suhana
2. Hanies Hamdan
3. Mae
4. Nurul Basyirah
5. Kim Nadhi
6. Aenlee
7. Shiela Syaza
8. Cik Bumbum
9. Cik Zahrenn
10. Shafina Sofian
11. Fisha
My question:
1. Describe 5 about yourself.
2. Are you Kpoper? Say yes or no.
3. Since year you being blogger?
4. Wish place do you prefer to travel?
5. Have a boyfriend? Say yes or no.
6. Like watch K-Drama? What drama do you like most? Why?
7. K-Drama or K-Variety? Which 1 do you prefer?
8. If so, Why do you like to watch that you answer at no. 7?
9. Tell me you wish. At least 3.
10. The most you hate things?
11. If you meet someone who you like or people who you admiring, what should you do?
The end answering the question!
So, satisfy? I'm satisfy.
See ya!
nota chumel: Lee Minjung, stop hit your head with frying pan!

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