Father's Day. D-Day.
By Nurul Nabilah Zakaria - 11:34:00 AM

Assalamualaikum. Annyeong. Mushi mushi. Ni hao.
Handsome jugak Zhou Mi ni. Hehehe. Tapi, dia tak setanding Henry aku. Wakaka^^
Kepada ELF yang minat Zhou Mi, jangan bagi sumpah seranah kat aku. Aku boom korang!
Father's Day?
My father's name, Zakaria Bin Attan. Age? Don't want to mention it. Lets say, he getting old and more handsome then before *burst my laugh*
Even, I always said that Siwon, GD and TOP handsome when we watch LINE and Kakao Talk advertisment, but I still wanna say that you're 100 times handsome than them. *puff my cheek*
You always gives some advice to me to make me more successful than now. You're calmer for any situation. You're my hero in every difficult times. You give me warm when my tears come and that tears get wet on your shirt. *LOL!*
Everday is your day. Why? Everyday I say thanks for everything. Everyday you always at home. Everyday you make us laugh together. Everyday you're getting more handsome. Everyday you're my Brad Pitt. Everyday you're my sunshine. Everyday you're my star. Everyday.....bla bla bla. Wakaka^^ but, I told he my Brad Pitt, it's true. He handsome like Brad Pitt.
Abah, Happy Father's Day. Maaf tak dapat ucap secara berhadapan. *blushing*. Malu nak bagitau semua tu. Apa-apa pun, Happy Father's Day, abah. Thanks be my great boyfriend, friend and lil bro. Hahahaha =)
Without spec it's my father =)
nota chumel: I sending 143, you are 486. Kalau tau, cubalah teka. Hehehe.

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