Making Pavlova
By Nurul Nabilah Zakaria - 11:22:00 AM

Assalamualaikum. Annyeong. Mushi mushi. Ni hao.
Apa tu Pavlova?
Korang tau tak? Aku tau.... *buat muka belagak*
Hahaha. Okay la, aku nak bagitau la apa itu Pavlova.
Pavlova like a cake but it just using white egg only.
Now, do you understand? Let's take a look what we've done all making Pavlova session.

All my friends waiting our lecturer to teach us ho to make Pavlova.
Act, all oh them are my classmate.

This is me! I'm done washing strawberries. Yummy! I wanna eat some!
Strawberry make me memorize someone. It's Eunhyuk SJ!! Oh my....

Making the Pavlova. This is egg white yang dah siap dipukul.
Cantik kan warnanya?

My best friend, Punitha. She always make me smile.
Sometimes, we fighting about our bias. She really like Hangeng while me like Sungmin.

Beside Hangeng's wife *LOL* is my best friend too. Her name is Naza.
She also kind and always make me burst out laugh too much and make me smile.

Beside Naza is Zul. He's silencer and always making us smile. He also funnier.
My classmate said he's handsome. No wonder he has a girlfriend *I guess*
Kat gambar tu dia ngah pukul susu whipped cream.

Pavlova dah siap dibakar dan sudah disejukkan.
Now, Zul tengah sapu whipped cream kat Pavlova tu.

Ta da! Pavlova dah siap dan boleh di makan!!! Yummy! Sedap....
Wanna some? Sorry~ I've eat that all and my lips full of whipped cream. Hahahaha.
nota chumel: Jari aku rasa kebas. Dah beberapa jam macam ni. Sakit bila bengkokkan.

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