Annyeong haseyo.
Today is 31st January 2013. Serious dah sebulan tahun baru. Apa aku rasa?
Tet! Aku pun tak tau. Well, dah hampir 2 bulan aku jadi penganggur terhormat. Confirm la...... aku tak tau best ke tak. Haha. Sikit teruk aku merapu.
Today also my special day. What ist? Okay, I story it.
My lil sis come to my house a few hours ago. I miss her so much. She gave me chocolate milk drink and Rocky biscuit. I hope I can share with her. And another one. A letter. Behind letter has Promise You lyrics. OMG!!! I'm shock. That's my favourite song! I just tell her "Wah~ pandai kamu tulis Jepun". I don't know how to write Japanese language. But, I saw the word, 'Promise You'. So, I know that Super Junior KRY's song. I'm happy.
Not for long, my dad come out and say wanna go to shopping. I'm sad but happy. Can talk with her even just a few minutes. Well, when she come, I'm watch Inkigayo and CN Blue perform they new song, I'm Sorry. She want me dance Gangnam Style. Okay, that's funny. Horse dance. Haha. Nak terkeluar perut aku. But, I won't do that out of my house. Embarrassed. To make her smile, I sang Family Bear song. I got this idea when I watch SuJu Mini Drama when Kyuhyun sing it to Sungmin. Hehe. I saw she wanna laughed. but, dia tahankan je. Haha. Seriously, kalau orang lain nampak, confirm gelakkan dance aku yang teruk tu. Di sebuah rumah ada 3 ekor beruang. Bapak beruang, mak beruang dan anaknya. Bapa beruang yang gemuk. Mak beruang yang langsing. Anaknya pulak comel. Haha. Tak dapat bayangkan.
So, that's a song I can sing. To her, sorry suara saya tak sedap macam Kyuhyun. Tapi, saya harap, awak happy dengar lagu tu. =)
Snack and drink from her. Delicious. Hope can share with her.
Nota chumel: Aku tak tau Ren tu laki masa mula-mula study group Nu'est. Haha.