My Precious
By Nurul Nabilah Zakaria - 10:17:00 AM
heyy ya.
ehem. chantek tak design blog aku? penat taw aku kejekan. #bohong semata.
okay. cuti dah start. so, ape plan korang? bukak 'muka buku'? 'burung biru? what so ever la korang. janji happy kan? hehe.
exam dah habis. objective cuti aku....
-layan add math, biology and chemistry.
-MasterChef at home. #harus.
-berusaha sehingga dapat perkataan KEJAYAAN. #poyo.
alahamdulillah. habes exam, ada paper yang dah dapat markah and semuanya tip top except add math. sikit je lagi aku boleh lulus. :( . sayang kan? tapi, bi, math and agama aku dapat A. alhamdulillah. Allah berikan kegembiraan pada aku dan menyuruh aku berusaha dengan lebih gigih. amin... ehem. berceramah pulak aku. ade rupa ustazah tak? haha.
hari ni, aku nak story pasal sorang budak yang aku sayang. sila lihat dan baca ye :)
okay. this pic memang tak lawa pasal amek subuh subuh. teruk kan?
her name is Luo Zaini. I always call Zaini while her friends call her Luo. First thing I think about her... her name. why? actually, not so weird but, why her friends call her Luo? I just answer myself, that's their business. I don't want think about it. clever person. she from pure science student. however, she say to me "add math susah la kak". "fizik tak boleh buat la kak". I just said "biasa la tu. lama lama okay". yeah, maybe I say this word to her. #I guess. Now, she always speak to me in Mandrin languge. -,- . Aku rase nak mati nak translate ayat dea walaupon tak berapa faham sangat. when, she ask or just wanna say something to me, my answer is "I don't know" but, in Mandrin. that's what I can say. pffft -,- . teruk kan aku. haha. she have same attitude with Fatini but, not too much. haha. always with her sony ericsson experia. wow! kayanya dea. ni la ayat korang kan? haha. yela kut dea anak orang kaya. tapi, aku tak kesah sangat janji dea boleh gembirakan aku and ceriakan aku di saat saat terakhir aku kat skola. she is my precious in my life. #ayat poyo.
that's all baout her. wanna know her? just find at HERE. before bukak, translate dulu :)
seronok? suke bace cerita aku yang tak berapa bagus? gamsahamida :)

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