Wae yeppeun nal dugo gashina?
By Nurul Nabilah Zakaria - 3:46:00 PM
Hey, I'm back. Excited? Naah... well, see the title right? I guess you know what the title of this lyrics. Okay, since I'm comeback here, I wanna story my study life here.
now, I'm study at University of Technology Mara. Still around Malaysia. For exact, at Seri Iskandar Perak. You guys can google where it is. Since I study at there, many things I learn. Oh forgot, I'm studying major in Landscape Architecture level diploma. Hmm... you can guess what I learn it here huh? Hahaha. Well, I learn how manage your lifetime, friendship, far away from parents even I have experience about this but it still I can manage about this.
About my friendship life, I have friend with many people at there. Like childish one, matured, bashing bla bla and so on. I wanna story about my friend kind a childish and have like miserable life. Ready for it? Pop! Here I start.
Well, I start friend with her since semester 1. Our friendship going well until her close friend told me that she is fed-up with her childish attitude. Should I list it? Nooo... thats cruel. But, I will tell a little bit what she did to her close friend and me.
First, her close friend didn't bring her wallet and feel lazy to go back her room since it is far away from cafeteria. She asked her to lend some money and guess what? She said "I don't know my money enough or not. Better you go back your room and take your wallet. I'm waiting you here." You think what? Her close friend's room far away bruhh!! You asked her to go back take her purse only?! F*** UP! She don't want fight with her and walk with... yeah you how she feel. Well, I feel her too.
Second, such a miserable life. Her close friend, herself and me are in one group for urban studio project. While we doing project 2 works, her close friend told her that map and information need to be in A1 paper together. She objected that she want map in A2 paper size and info keep in A1 paper size because it easier to locate the place is. However, it getting into fight when I told them that her close friend was right. Well, you need to know and drag the from the area to the info (might be don't understand right?) Okay, in proper way, we need to locate the area and drag that to the info in the same paper size for easier our lecturer to know. Since she is don't want listen to us she keep ugh. her close friend ask to go out and buy some snacks at push-cart. At the push-cart, she keep complaining about that. I just listen it and advice it proper way. Later, her close friend up a status that she really angry at her. Then, she read it. Both of them are my roommate and I don't want they fight because of the little things. The real problem is, her close friend already fed-up with her childish things. Well, she keep it her angry since semester 2 until now and.... BOOM! She gave up. Meanwhile, she keep blaming at her close friend about her status that she bringing up hurt her feeling. Hellooo, you think what, you already make many mistakes and didn't want realize it?! Fine, go the h***!!! now, they are fine but yeah, her close friend don't want treat her the same thing again.
Last. Today, me and she or she and me have planned go to the library. I dressed up and take all my things and wait her until she ready. When I take my laptop's bag, she saw it say, "oh my, you bring the laptop?" and I say yes. Because I want to email my previous work to my junior since I give up using cybercafe at library. The computers has many viruses. And what, she said, "you make me wanna bring my laptop too. All your fault." WHATTT??!! ARE YOU FREAKING ENOUGH TO BLAME ME ABOUT THAT??!! Not my fault okay. Yesterday, she told me that she wanna find book for our research to do design on our final project. F*** UP!!! You blaming me about that?! SHIT YOU!!! She has miserable life that wanna follow me everywhere except going jogging with me. I can tell that she is pretty lazy about that. Yes, she also like don't-care-anything-but-i-care-about-it. I don't like people following me everyday duhh... I kindly like to ask someone wanna go out with me. If they say yes, then they go out with me. if they say no, so I walk alone. But, I didn't ask her to go out with me. but, if she want to, I just say okay. But, don't follow me head to toe bruhh.. miserable babe! I be like... okay, I don't want to curse. Because of this grouping work, I have to do it. If was not, GO TO H***!
Okay, she in front me while I was typing this. She asking me what I'm doing since she heard I'm typing hardly. I just say I'm bored and typing at Microsoft Word. Hahaha. Silly me. She just giggle because she know I love to do silly things until reasonable for her. Okay, gotta go. I need to do some work and still at library. See Ya ;)

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