They are back!!!!!
By Nurul Nabilah Zakaria - 5:48:00 PM
Assalamualaikum. Annyeong. Mushi mushi. Ni hao.
Who's back?!!
My seniors are back!!!!!
What the.... Okay, seriously, I'm happy.
Rumah sewa aku akan terbalik lagi dengan suara diorang. Percayalah!
I really really really miss Kak Haniz, Kak Lin and Mala!
Mala will coming soon. I don't know when. I just waiting for her.
Alhamdulillah, for the first day new year, I'm happy with Allah's gift.
I'm sooooo thankful right know.
So, this is my second entry, for the first day open new year, I'll try to be happy and be like Chanyeol.
Aigoo, talk about Chanyeol, I've watch K.Will's new song. And Chanyeol perform in his new MV!!!!
Scream out loud!!! I'm happy!!! Chanyeol is cutest person in EXO. I'm as EXOtics, should proud with the cutest person in EXO, Chanyeol.
Chanyeol again, he's happy-virus to all members, always think postive and he also happy person.
He's my idol, so, dialah contoh teladan aku untuk aku teruskan hidup kat bumi Melaka ni.
Tak lama pun. Habis sem 3 je, aku dah blah dari sini. Praktikal time!
Aku dah melalut. See ya!
nota chumel: I really miss my hometown. Just now, my dad call me. I don't want talk with my sis. Nanti dia berceramah lagi. I miss my lil sis too! Wait for me, okay?

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