Rindu awak
By Nurul Nabilah Zakaria - 1:23:00 AM
baru hari ni aku pandai cakap cenggitu ye dak? haha.
cuti dua minggu ni, aku asyik terngiang-ngiang kata-kata adik angkat aku.
"akak, bulan depan saya dah tak de. saya pindah JB"
okay, seriously, i'm touched with her words. she want move on.
my heart can't accept it! what should i do?
should i cry it? should i sad it?
i think, yes and maybe no.
our memory can't be erased. *tunduk kepala*
only 5 month we spend as 'adik-beradik angkat'
4 years we spend as friend. how could you time!
if i has a time machine, i'll go to the past time and spend together again.
to dear my lovely sis, i'm sorry if i make you hurt.
but, doesn't mean i don't love u. i love u more than as my sis *jangan salah faham*
oh, my tears come. i cry cry...
haru haru (day by day) i feel empty. i don't know why.
last question... should i cry for it?
err... maybe i just cry from my heart.
wassalam :)
nota chumel: chumel kan Nickhun Buck Horvejkul *nak jugak aku letak nama penuh dia* aku. jangan ambik dia!

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